Total Registrations 474
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Mekong Institute (MI) with support from Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau (TCEB) and in partnership with E-commerce and Logistics ASEAN Association, is organizing the GMS Logistics Forum 2021 in Pattaya, Thailand. The forum is at the forefront in strengthening the logistics and transportation networks of the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC). Under the theme “Seizing Opportunities - Logistics and Infrastructure Potential in the Eastern Economic Corridor” the Forum will present ways forward in improving the efficiency of logistics and transport processes and in generating higher economic growth by forging wider business collaborations in and outside the region.
Download Concept NoteDate and Venue
(ii) Forum: Thursday, March 25, 2021 I 08.00 am to 17.30 pm (GMT+7) @ Amari Pattaya, Pattaya, Thailand
(iii) Business Visit in EEC Industries: Friday, March 26, 2021 I 09.00 am to 12.00 pm (GMT+7) I Designated EEC in Chonburi & Rayong Provinces
*This is reserved for pre-selected Forum participants only.
What to Expect
The GMS Logistics Forum aims to:
- a. Support the enhancement of logistics and transportation programs and processes for stronger regional synergy;
- b. Broaden business partnerships and areas of cooperation by connecting prime movers and logistics service providers
- c. Serve as a continuing platform for networking and knowledge exchange to advance the application of innovative technologies and strategies
Platforms for Participation
The event will take place both Onsite and Virtual.
Onsite: In compliance with social distancing guidelines, 80 international and regional delegates from government, development organizations, transport and logistics companies, technology suppliers, manufacturers, research and development centersbased in Thailand will attend the Forum.
Through Zoom application and Facebook Live, transport and logistics stakeholders within and outside the GMS can access the Forum at https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_a_rkIvJcTuWdTsU7A_ctLA and @mekonginstitute.org, respectively.
Delegates based in Thailand will shoulder domestic travel expenses to and from Amari Pattaya, Pattaya, Thailand. MI will provide meals and accommodations during the event. Bus/Van transportation will be arranged for participants and speakers from designated points from Bangkok to the Forum venue in Pattaya.
A separate guideline will be provided to targeted participants including invited speakers and panelists who will attend specific Forum activities.